Hands-On Labs Schedule

Instructor Workshop Title Date & Time (Dz Time)
Introduction to Robot Operating System: Fundamentals and ML examples
20/08/2021 at 16:00
Churn Modeling in Telecom (Strategies and Challenges)
21/08/2021 at 20.30
Natural Language Processing : from tf-idf to transformers

This workshop introduces some theoretical and practical aspects of recent Natural Language Processing techniques. We will demystify how computers can process and understand language by tackling the fundamental issue of text representation. We will go through different ways of representing text data from tf-idf to contextualized word embeddings. Finally, we will briefly study the transformer architecture and finish with a text classification example.

22/08/2021 at 10:00
Deep Learning applications in Molecular Biology
22/08/2021 at 17:00
Deep learning for plant disease: classification and visualization

Food security represents one of the biggest challenges humankind is currently facing. Plant diseases and pests are a real threat to feed the entire world. To tackle this challenge, agricultural experts use mostly visual symptoms to diagnose plant diseases. However, manual diagnosis based on human expertise is difficult to scale and meet farmers’ demands. This workshop introduces the automation of plant disease classification using deep learning. Particularly, the objective is to build a deep CNN model able to recognize the pant disease based on images. Despite the excellent performance of CNN in image classification, it suffers from a lack of transparency, limiting its usability in practice. Therefore, the second objective of this workshop is the implementation of a CNN visualization algorithm in the image classification pipeline.

23/08/2021 at 10:00
Building Systems to Accelerate Deep Learning

We'll talk how we can building compilers for AI as an example of building systems for AI. In this workshop we'll talk about tiramisu project as an example of building systems for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)

23/08/2021 at 18:00
Introduction to policy search methods in Reonfrecement Learning

a introductory workshop on Policy Search in Reinforcement Learning, presenting and introducing the basics and the formulas.

24/08/2021 at 16:00
Introduction to Optimization

24/08/2021 at 19:00
Introduction to Data Cleaning

30/08/2021 at 17:00

Talks Schedule

Speaker Keynote Title Date & Time
Drones, Robots, and Sensors: The latest technological advances in the service of agriculture 26/08/2021 at 17:00


Panel Date & Time
Panel: Q&A 28/08/2021 at 20.30