In alphabetical order


Data Scientist Researcher at Geotrend

Amine ABDAOUI, Data Scientist at Geotrend, an AIRBUS spin-off. Amine graduated from ESI in 2013, he holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Montpelier University, France. His main research interests focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Text Mining. He co-authored in multiple scientific papers and was top ranked in famous NLP challenges.

Zoubir AMEUR

Robot Programmer at Realtime-Robotic, Paris

Zoubir Ameur, graduated from ESI in 2011, he's a developer & Robot programmer at Realtime-Robotic, Paris, where they create technical designs for their client in different sectors, using cuting-dege technologies and innovative concepts. He's into Robotics, IoT, Embedded systems, industrial computing,, AR, VR and developement in general.


Associate professor at the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT

Taha Arbaoui is currently an associate professor at the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT). He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC). Prior to his PhD, he graduated from the National School of Computer Science (ESI) with an engineering degree. His research is at the intersection between machine learning and combinatorial optimization problems.


Postdoc at MIT

A postdoctoral researcher at MIT. He got his PhD from INRIA/Sorbonne UPMC (Paris 6, France). His main research interests include: The intersection of applied machine learning and compilers Building compilers for deep learning (including deep learning hardware accelerators). Using machine learning in compilers (e.g., to enable automatic code optimization and to design compiler heuristics). Compilers and programming models for high performance computing and compute intensive areas.


Data Scientist Advisor

Fateh Bekioua, Data Scientist and marketing analytics expert with more than 13 years of experience, mostly in telecom industry. Fateh graduated from ENSSEA ex INPS. He had the chance to be part of the teams who built data science departments in different multinational telecom operators in Algeria and Saudi Arabia. He has become since a witness on the failures and successes of the data science journeys in the telecom industry.


Senior Research Scientist, Machine Learning Research Lab, Volkswagen Group

Djalel Benbouzid obtained his PhD in Machine Learning from Université Paris-Saclay in 2014, under the supervision of Balázs Kégl. After a couple of years in academia and a short period of madness doing consultancy in data science, he joined the Machine Learning Research Lab of Volkswagen Group in Munich in order to conduct basic research in Reinforcement Learning. He is also currently coordinating a large consortium of industrial and academic actors, working on Ethical AI.

Mohammed BRAHIMI

Nvidia Instructor, Associate Professor at BBA University

Med Brahimi, graduated from ESI in 2011, he's a teaching assistant at Borj University and has a Ph.D. Degree from USTHB. He's interested in machine learning theory and application in different fields (Agriculture, Chemistry, Engineering...). He's working on the interpretation of CNN results using visualization methods to make it more useful in many critical applications. He's also Nvidia certified master instructor in deep learning.

Mohamed Nadhir DJEKIDEL

Bioinformatics Research Scientist at St.Jude Children's Research Hospital

Mohamed Nadhir Djekidel, Ph.D, actually working as a Bioinformatics Research Scientist at St.Jude Children's Research Hospital. Nadhir graduated from the National Institute of Computer Science in Algeria in 2008, then pursued his graduate studies in China. He got his Ph.D in 2016, then worked as post-doctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School (2016-2020). He worked on different ML related projects ranging from classical, bayesian and deep-learning related projects.


Postdoc at Princeton University.

Kenza Hamidouche, a postdoctoral researcher at the Operations Research and Financial Engineering department (ORFE) at Princeton University. Prior to that, she obtained her Ph.D. in telecommunications from CentraleSupélec. Her research interests are in the broad areas of multi-agent reinforcement learning and game theory. Applications of particular interest include wireless communications, Internet of things, pricing, and autonomous multi-agent systems.

El Houssein Chouaib HARIK

Postdoc at NBIO

El Houssein Chouaib Harik has PhD degree in computer science with focus on Robotics. His field of expertise covers the development of robotic solutions that can be used for different purposes. His focus lies on hardware architecture and embedded systems integration, in addition to the establishment of control laws for decision and autonomous navigation. He is currently working on the development of agricultural robotic solutions at the Center for Precision Agriculture ( that belongs to the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO).

El kindi REZIG

Postdoc at MIT

El Kindi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University, USA. His research interests lie in the area of Data Management in general and Data Quality in particular. He spends most of his time building systems that make it easier for users to clean, debug, and integrate their data. He has published multiple peer-reviewed papers at top-tier venues as well as a US patent and holds the Raymond Boyce teaching excellence award from Purdue University.


Co-Founder & CEO of SCiiĜO inc. – GM of AIoT Canada

Passionate about analytics, Nesrine offer personalized consulting and support services in artificial intelligence for business. She has held various positions, internationally and in Canada, as business developer, applied AI expert, data scientist, professor and research, both in public and private institutions. Through her expertise, she has developed a proactive, holistic innovation approach, adapted to the market needs and trends, to support companies in their digital transformation and was in charge of several large-scale AI projects applied in several industrial fields. Nesrine Zemirli founded of SCiiĜO, a firm specialized in AI strategies and End-To-End solutions. They supports companies to apply AI in their digital transformations. They deliver AI solutions that meet customer’s needs, business and budget expectations. With agile strategies, they help business to harvest the intelligence inside their Data & Services. Nesrine holds a Ph.D in search engine personalization from Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 University and a professional master’s degree in technological project management from Toulouse – Jean Jaurès University in France.


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